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+44 7958 509589


At PureIthmedKohl, we value your questions, feedback, and inquiries. Our commitment to providing the highest quality ithmedkohl products goes hand in hand with our dedication to exceptional customer service. We’re here to assist you in any way we can.

Frequently Asked Questions

What products does PureIthmedKohl offer?

PureIthmedKohl offers a variety of beauty and cosmetic products. Currently, we provide two types of kohl powder: Hejazi available in red and black colors, and Isfahani available in red color. These kohl powders are offered in two sizes: medium and large bottles. Additionally, we offer Mekhala and high-quality wooden applicators in various beautiful shapes.

When was PureIthmedKohl established?

PureIthmedKohl is an e-commerce website that was established in 2017. Since then, we have been manufacturing, importing, and exporting various beauty and cosmetic products, including ithmed stones, saffron, and more.

Are there any plans to expand the product range?

Yes! PureIthmedKohl has plans to introduce new products in the near future. We will soon be offering saffron and other related products on our website. Stay tuned for the exciting updates!

What sets PureIthmedKohl apart from other online stores?

PureIthmedKohl takes pride in its specialization in genuine and pure kohl ithmed. With over seven years of experience, we have established strong business relationships and partnerships with agents in different countries worldwide. We strive to provide quality products to retail agents and build long-lasting business relations. Our commitment to excellence and expertise in the field make us stand out from the crowd.

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